Unleash the Power of Email Marketing Personalisation: 4 Advanced Ecommerce Email Segmentation Techniques

In email marketing, personalisation isn’t just a buzzword – it’s the now at the core of engaging, converting, and retaining customers. 

71% of consumers say personalised experiences influence their decision to open and read brand emails. Dynamic Yield

66% of customers expect companies to understand their unique needs. Salesforce

52% of customers said they now expect businesses to always offer personalised experiences. Salesforce

Using basic demographic data is just the tip of the iceberg.

In this blog, we dive into some of the more advanced email segmentation techniques; discover how to harness customer behaviours, preferences, and interactions to craft hyper-targeted emails that resonate, captivate, and drive conversions.

  1. Behaviour-Based Segmentation – Unveil Insights through Actions

Behaviour-based segmentation involves analysing how customers interact with your brand, allowing you to create tailored emails based on their engagement, purchase history, and browsing patterns.

  • Engagement Levels: Segment subscribers based on their level of interaction with your email campaigns – highly engaged, moderately engaged, or disengaged. Customise content to reignite interest or reward loyalty for each specifically.
  • Abandoned Browse Triggers: Set up automated emails triggered by specific behaviours when browsing on site and deliver relevant support to help move the prospect forward to their purchase.
  • Dynamic Content: Implement dynamic content blocks in your messages that display products similar to those previously purchased or browsed.
  • Abandoned Cart Recovery: Target those who abandon their carts with personalised emails showcasing the abandoned items, reminding them of the value, offering support and enticing them to complete the purchase.
  1. Predictive Analytics – Anticipate Customer Desires

Predictive analytics employ data to forecast future Behaviours. By analysing past actions, you can anticipate customers’ next moves and tailor your emails accordingly.

  • Recommended Products: Leverage predictive algorithms to suggest products that align with each customer’s preferences and browsing history.
  • Data Integration: Integrate your ecommerce platform with predictive analytics tools to leverage customer behaviour data.
  • Continuous Refinement: Regularly review and adjust your predictive models based on real-world results.
  • Replenishment Reminders: Predict when customers might need to repurchase consumable products (based on the size, amount and when they bought, for example) and send timely reminders.
  • Personalised Offers: Use predictions to send targeted discounts or offers to customers who are likely to respond positively.
  1. RFM Analysis Segmentation – Ranking Customers Through Recency, Frequency, Monetary Value

RFM (Recency, Frequency, Monetary) analysis is a data-driven technique that ranks customers based on their purchase behaviour. This approach helps identify the most valuable customers and tailor emails accordingly.

  • Segmentation by RFM Scores: Group customers into segments based on their RFM scores – high spenders, frequent shoppers, recent buyers, etc.
  • Segment-Specific Campaigns: Create email campaigns that cater to each RFM segment’s preferences and behaviours.
  • Lifecycle Stage Transition: Implement automated workflows to move customers between RFM segments as their behaviour changes, ensuring ongoing personalisation.
  1. Sentiment Analysis Segmentation – Understanding Emotional Triggers 

Sentiment analysis involves analysing customer responses, comments, and interactions to gauge their emotional state. By understanding emotions, you can tailor emails that resonate on a deeper level.

  • Emotionally Aligned Content: Craft emails that align with customers’ sentiments, using language and imagery that resonates positively with their emotional state.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP): Utilize NLP tools to analyse customer feedback and interactions for sentiment indicators.
  • Customised Subject Lines: Adjust subject lines based on sentiment analysis, ensuring that they align with customers’ emotional preferences.
  • Emotion-Driven Offers: Create offers or content that address customers’ emotional needs, providing solutions that resonate with their current feelings.

Elevate Your Email Marketing with Advanced Segmentation: Crafting Personalised Journeys

Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all email campaigns. 

Advanced segmentation empowers you to create deeply personalised experiences that speak directly to your customers’ interests and needs. Utilise these techniques, and others to propel your email marketing personalisation forward.

Ready to Dive Deeper?

Elevate your email marketing strategy with advanced segmentation techniques. By harnessing behaviour-based segmentation, predictive analytics, and cohort analysis, you can create emails that resonate and drive conversions. 

Book a free 30-minute consultation with our expert email marketing consultants. 

 Schedule Your Consultation now >

Ready to take your email marketing to the next level?

If you want help to create a customer-centric, personalised, intelligent email marketing programme, get in touch with eFocus Marketing and discover how we can help you skyrocket your results.

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