Abandoned Cart Emails: Tips and Tricks (Salesforce Infographic)

You, and probably nearly every other person on the planet, has done it: You find a site you like, or a particular item that you simply must have. You go through the whole process of selecting the item and even get to a certain point in the checkout procedure, and then you stop. You leave the site, you leave your cart, and you move on.

There are a variety of reasons for this action, of course. You might have gotten distracted by an email or by something in your life or at work. You might have run up into a charge—say, shipping—that you weren’t expecting. Or you might have simply just had second thoughts.

Whatever the case, as a businessperson what you want to do is find out why you, and everyone else, has abandoned your cart and what you can do to remedy it.

This infographic from Salesforce offers some good ideas to get started.

Abandoned Cart Emails: Your Best Tips, Tricks, and Examples

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